Sharp Dresser


Spooky2 PRESETS and Custom.CSV Files

OLD 3” Plasma Ball Presets

10% Duty Cycle General Health Low Frequencies.txt

20% Duty Cycle General Health Middle Frequencies.txt

25% Duty Cycle General Health High Frequencies.txt

Return to New 6” Plasma Ball Page


Frequency Converter Presets

50% Duty Cycle General Health Low Frequencies.txt

50% Duty Cycle General Health Middle Frequencies.txt

50% Duty Cycle General Health High Frequencies.txt

Return to Frequency Converter Page


Custom.CSV File


NEW 6” Plasma Ball PRESETS

John PRESETS for 1,19,10,144,304,520,10000 Hertzs

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_1_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_10_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_19_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_144_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_160_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_304_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 30000_Hz_@_520_Hz

Plasma Ball Gating 10000_Hz_@_0_Hz

Schumann Resonance 30000_Hz_@_7.83 Hz

Pythagorean Tuning ‘A’ PRESET 432 Hertz

Solfeggie DNA Repair PRESET 528 Hertz

Health Cocoon PRESETS 7.83, 432, 528 Hertzs


Last updated 03-15-18 by author gsk