Sharp Dresser


Schumann Oscillator

The Schumann Oscillator was designed with the specific intent of pulsing either a magnetic field using the Vortex Coil, or a FarInfraRed heat source, or an Electric Heat Blanket at the Schumann Frequency of 7.8X hertz.  Where X is typically a 3 for an actual frequency of 7.83 hertz.  The thought is to cuddle single or multiple life forms, animal or plant, in the natural bathing frequency of mother earth.

As many of us have come to believe, the electrical carrier wave of 60 hertz from a wall outlet is not the healthiest frequency in the world.  There are many books on the subject of low frequency effects on life, and I will suggest a very informative one by the late Dr. Robert Becker with the title ‘Cross Currents’.  It is not only more recent but in my opion much better than his very well know title ‘Body Electric’.

Video 2 is a short video describing the simple modification needed to control an electric blanket with the Schumann Oscillator and Pulser.  As with all my circuits, please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or suggestions.  The build time for the Schumann Oscillator is approximately 3 hours and the cost of materials was under $20.

Without going into detail of my experience in using the unit I would like to convey I sleep better, have lots of interesting dreams and wake up feeling great.  My perceptions of the effects in using the Schumann Oscillator in conjunction with the Pulser to run an Electric Heat Blanket are very positive.  Consider doing a little investigating into the health benefits of various frequency devices presently being used for the benefit of better living through technology.  Examples: www.jeftech.net  www.rifedigital.com  www.keelynet.com.


Open Schumann

Electric Blanket Controllers

Electric Blanket Plugs Here

Red is hot Black is ground

All Connected

Open Schumann

Electric Blanket Controllers

Electric Blanket Plugs Here

Red is hot Black is ground

All Connected

Schumann Oscillator Schematic.PDF     Schumann Oscillator Video 1     Schumann Oscillator Video 2

Schumann Oscillator Proto-Bd.PDF       Schulman Oscillator Video 3

Last updated 08-24-17 by author gsk